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a campaign of the educational program of a dietary suplement
Image goal – achieve in the short term the greatest possible brand recognition in a very broad target group – women aged 20-55.
Quantitative goal – support sales in traditional trade.
Campaign preparation:
The idea for the campaign is to create an educational program to raise awareness of cellulite presence among 85% of women and also to promote ways to prevent it such as: balanced diet, training recommended by Ewa Chodakowska and support of a dietary supplement that speeds up the process. Our agency prepared a strategy of presence in social media, implemented a website and a mobile application with diagnostic functionalities and the selection of diets depending on lifestyle and cellulite level. We organized series of events.
As a result of the campaign, womens from all over Poland took part in the diagnosis of cellulite levels. The diagnosis was possible in a virtual form (using the application) or in real form (during events carried out all over Poland using specialized devices, i.e. thermographs). The digital campaign conducted in social media and among bloggers aimed to inform about this possibility.
App had functionalities enabling remote diagnosis of cellulite levels. The user “uploaded” photos, described symptoms and everyday habits. The Detocell Academy doctor made a diagnosis based on that. As a result of the diagnosis, the user received a comprehensive “fight against cellulite” program – diet along with a daily shopping list and recipes, advice from a dietitian and cosmetologist, motivational and training tips from Ewa Chodakowska.
The campaign has been nominated for the Golden Clips Award.
Over 100,000 fans from the target group within a year.
5,800 application users.
Over 3 million views of Ewa Chodakowska’s trainings created specially for the Detocell Academy.
Contact Us
+48 722 030 040
+48 22 223 66 32
ul. Zwierzyniecka 3
ul. Franciszka Klimczaka 1
(Royal Wilanów)
eFresh Sp. z o.o.
NIP: 782 241 32 81
KRS: 0000291087
REGON: 300563219
ul. Zwierzyniecka 3
60-813 Poznań