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website of an educational company
For the Polish branch of the company, we prepared a comprehensive e-Commerce solution which enables the online sale of books and digital materials.
A user of the pearson.pl website may become familiar with the offer of the publisher, which includes thousands of items, browse through the rich collection of supporting materials for teachers and sign up for one of numerous language conferences for teachers. The dedicated services prepared by eFresh are devoted to selected educational issues (e.g. a school diagnosis), and the parties interested in checking their language skills may take part in numerous language tests.
The online shop is fully integrated with the ERP system, and the entire website was implemented in several language versions (countries of Eastern and Central Europe).
The certificate for the eFresh work, the complete concept of works, the information architecture, graphic designs, the preparation of the dedicated e-commerce solution and the current update.
Contact Us
+48 722 030 040
+48 22 223 66 32
ul. Zwierzyniecka 3
ul. Franciszka Klimczaka 1
(Royal Wilanów)
eFresh Sp. z o.o.
NIP: 782 241 32 81
KRS: 0000291087
REGON: 300563219
ul. Zwierzyniecka 3
60-813 Poznań